Here we are at the end of our first week as a DIDO (drive in, drive out) family and I think we’ve survived. On the one hand it’s been a tough week, but on the other our routine at home has just continued on as normal.  Of course as is normal for us we have had an eventful week including loosing Zac for a little while and Zac tearing his hamstring and landing on crutches.  

It hasn’t been an easy transition and I’m not sure how we are going to go long term but I think we will do ok.  There were lots of little things that we just didn’t know like if hubby would have mobile service where he’s living so would we be able to talk at night or would we have to try and squeeze in a goodnight call in our busy afternoons.  Turns out he has mobile service which means we get to mostly keep part of our routine from before where the kids would talk to their dad before bed.  And I’m able to fall asleep talking to him just like at home.  There are lots of things that have been hard this week like him not being here when I couldn’t find Zac but I’m guessing that was hard on Drew too.  Missing him is hard but I’m lucky I have the kids and dogs to keep me company.  

I have kept myself busy cooking a lot this week.  I had a cricket meeting early in the week and I tried out a new baked cheesecake recipe which was pretty amazing.  Then on Wednesday I created a few treats to showcase my new business venture at my hairdresser.  And on Thursday night I had a group of girlfriends over for a Tupperware party and created a yummy cob loaf dip and shared a selection of my cheesecake, chocolate brownies, cupcakes and dips with my pals, all while shopping from home for some awesome plastic containers that I desperately need to organise my baking pantry!!! 

I have recently become a Your Inspiration at Home consultant, primarily these are dip mixes, dukkahs, dry spices and lots of other yummy products.  I got involved because I went to a party and couldn’t decide what to buy I wanted everything!  Now I am using the YIAH products everyday I wanted to share them with everyone,  I was trying to think of a way to get these amazing products in front of lots of people without taking me away from the kids too much.  I am lucky enough that I have an amazing hairdresser who also provides yummy treats Wednesday and Thursday nights for her clients.  She has been incredibly supportive of my new business.  If you need a wonderful hairdresser or beautician give Roza and the team a call at Total Bliss in Wollongong.  

Over the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to put dips in various forms into the salon and also I have been creating lots of yummy cupcakes.  I am hoping that this new business venture will help keep me busy while Andrew is away for work and also transform the way we eat as a family. 

I am trying to incorporate these yummy new spices into all areas of my cooking, the best part is they are preservative and gluten free, so I know that when it comes to Zac and his coeliac I can use these and be confident they are safe for him to eat and healthy for us all by cutting out the nasty preservatives.  

Life is different for us now but I am certain we will adjust to this and be stronger for it.  Over the coming months we have some exciting things happening including renovations at home which I’m very excited about.  Meanwhile we just keep on keeping on.  We are blessed with beautiful friends and family who support us through everything so I know we will be ok.  Bring on home time I say. 

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