Oh boy I think I have lost the plot. I was actually considering blogging about craft! Anyone who knows me will know that craft and I are not words that would normally be used in the same sentence.
I even took progress photos
Of what I was working on that is until I cut it out only to be told by the children that we had no glue. Then I thought no worries I will use sticky tape but you know what I got lost in the instructions.
I have a mate and her kids coming over tomorrow and I was thinking if I could do it then maybe it would keep the kids occupied if it is still raining. But I pretty much got lost in what to do after I cut it all out.
So rather than me continuing I thought I would just include the link to where I found the original idea, they are called Flextangles. If you are wanting the template or to make them all the instructions are on the website above. I thought it looked cool and that maybe it would be fun to make, you might too. Here is a video all about them.
til next time I loose my mind
Cathy xoxo