Here we are the week of Christmas.  Australia is typically throwing at us some really unusual weather there are bushfires, storms, droughts, pouring rain in Wollongong and the potential for Tropical Cyclones up North later in the week you take your pick.  Though this is almost typical weather for the Australian summer these days.

As is usual for us at this time of year the kids are on holidays.  My eldest has come home from a week away with his grandparents sounds like it was great fun for him.  Golf, fishing, dinner out, birthday celebrations for my Uncle it was a hard week away.  Oh well back home now being put to good use.  
The girls are on their first full week of holidays.  It would seem that in reality they are still catching up on that end of year exhaustion that comes with school, end of year school concerts, dancing concerts and just being busy girls who never seem to be able to keep their room tidy.  Though a quick scan of my friend’s on Facebook tells me that I am not alone in the battleground that is our children’s bedrooms.  I think I will take the approach of simply closing the door and if they can’t find it tough.  
I am truly not sure if the dogs are enjoying all these people home or not! 
We are in that last week, that final throw before Christmas is over and gone for another year.  It seems crazy when you think about it we have this huge incredible build up it lasts a day or two depending on the family celebrations and then it is over for another year.  I think most of the presents are bought with a good portion wrapped and under the tree, with the last few needing to be finalised this week.  

The wall of Santa photos plus some of my nephews
For me Christmas also means baking, making sweet treats, and all sorts of little things like that.  This year I have not made nearly as much as I would in previous years but that is ok. I am sure that people love me for more than just my sweet treats.  In saying that I have made a few varieties of fudge and some amazing passionfruit melting moments this afternoon because well I needed a pick me up! 

It’s an old family recipe and they are so good! 
I am still trying to finish off a few handmade gifts.  Hopefully I will get it all done.  
This year for the first time in the longest time we are having a lovely little Christmas at home with just the 5 of us.  My plan for lunch is a Turkey loaf full of yummy goodness including bacon and some cold ham served up with veggies.  I can pre-make the turkey loaf on Christmas Eve so I will only need to cook the veggies on Christmas day.  I will try to remember to take photos and share the recipe if it is any good! Christmas with my family will be down the coast and with hubby’s family is in a restaurant this year for something different (it will certainly save on cleaning up!) 
We have had our yearly Santa photo and this year was the first time since 2001 that hubby and I jumped in the photo too.  We figured it has been a while since we have had a family photo and this would make a cheap one lol.  It is likely to be another 14 years until we jump in again! 
We all love Santa who doesn’t! 
Christmas time it seems is causing my anxiety to go through the roof.  Hubby told me today that I need to stop stressing about Christmas and let it all just happen.  I am certain he is right though it really is fair easier said than done.
He tells me to stop stressing yet he is the one with bottle of Bourbon stashed amongst my wool!
Anyway, I am off to eat my passionfruit melting moment and drink my Chai Latte.  I am sure we will all get through the next few days and see the enjoyment on the faces of the kids as they open up all their presents.  
Passionfruit melting moment

Chai Latte
Til next time 

Hugs Cathy xoxo 

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