My brain has gone into shutdown mode it would seem!  The words are there but when I try to put them into sentences that actually make sense that isn’t happening.  I have made lots of notes so here’s hoping tomorrow I can makes sense of them to write something about me.  In the meantime:

Here are some of my favourite posts I have read over the week (in case you are wondering how I do this with my silly memory I start a draft and add a link, I have gone back through all those links tonight to see why I saved them!)

Mummy Wife Me – This is great Renee talks about how she has taken some time out from life really to work out where to from here.  Of course she is still a Mum and a Wife but she isn’t working for the next little while this is a great read if you are thinking about a change in your life!

My2morrows – Shannon has done all the hard work for you and searched for all the best Creme Egg recipes.  With Easter coming up and just in case you will have left Creme Eggs and you are looking for a way to use them up here are some great recipes.  Personally I don’t get the love affair with Creme Eggs I think it is a sensory issue because I really don’t cope with runny white in cooked eggs but I am happy to be in the minority and there are many more eggs for you!

While on the subject of Easter baking here are three other favourites of mine!  I have found that I seem to be using Sammie, Lucy & Lauren as goto sites for recipe inspiration!

Bake Play Smile – 10 Easter Recipes – Lucy shares a collection of recipes.

The Annoyed Thyroid – Sammie’s amazing salted caramel shortbread!

Create Bake Make – Yummy Easter Recipes – Lauren has another collection because well there is simply no such thing as too many chocolate recipes!

Our parallel connection – I love Natalie!  She tells it as it is and scares the crap out of me for what is coming in the teenage years!  We are currently planning a hospital getaway to escape the joys that are our children in preference to parenting teenagers!

The trail we leave behind – This is a great read from Bel about how she is trialling a new way to work with her kids to get the things done each done without yelling.

Five fairies and a fella – Julia is just amazing honestly she really is.  She was diagnosed with terminal cancer and instead of you know just dealing with it she wrote a damn book!  You go girlfriend!  In the meantime she has also continued raising their four girls and fighting the fight of her life!  You could say she is on borrowed time now but actually she is in uncharted territory.  So much so the Drs are planning chemo breaks and new radical treatments.  Julia is struggling with being so tired.  Seriously who wouldn’t be after 30 (you read right!) rounds of chemo!  I can totally empathise with that physical exhaustion where I literally cannot keep my eyes open.  You really need to check Julia out if you haven’t already!

The Champagne Cartel – In the Cartel you will find some really fantastic writers!  This article is a great one about not overdoing it over the Chocolate Season.

Life on Wallace – Claire is awesome and tells is just like it is.  Here she is reminding us all really that we all need to follow the rules!

Flat Bum Mum – Bron shares her struggle about wanting to eat healthier but you know loving sugar!  I shared my confession that the truth is I pack all our food full of veggies under the pretext that I am doing it for the kids but the truth is it is so I don’t have to feel guilty about refusing to give up chocolate!

Over the week I try to write every day but that doesn’t always happen.  But at a minimum I do try to get three new pieces up so that I can join in these three fantastic link ups.  Link ups I have discovered are great for discovering some amazing new writers!  Seriously if you have a select few favourites that you read (which I still do and read every day!) you need to have a look through these link ups you might find something new to read!

Essentially Jess #ibot – Jess has a great link up on Tuesdays (I blog on Tuesday = ibot)

Domesblissity Thursday Link Up Party – Anne has a great site herself with lots of great tips but there is also a great link up on Thursdays!

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole  – Sammie from Annoyed Thyroid, Karin from Calm to Conniption and Shannon from my2morrow host a fantastic weekend link up.

I can’t possibly in one post cover all my favourite writers there are soooooooo many talented people out there.  Honestly I really can’t encourage you enough to explore.

In case you missed any of my posts this week here they are:

Sunday – Unwinding

Monday – Surprise! It’s Twins – MBAW

Wednesday – Shine my sink

Friday – Catherine the Great

Saturday – Coeliac Awareness Week

I will have something more coherent tomorrow I promise my brain is just not working tonight!

14 Replies to “A week in review …”

  1. So much goodness in one post. I’m a bit obsessed with creme eggs so Shannon’s post totes hit the spot! How awesome is Julia? And thanks for including my slice – it’s very egg-stravagant but totally worth it! I know things seem really tough right now, but it’s so important to value and recognise every step forward, because no matter how small, every step forward is a step in the right direction, even if you have to take a couple of steps back now and then. You’ll get there x

    1. Thanks Sammie! I really don’t get the Creme Egg obsession at all though I do love filled chocolate so I do think it is a sensory issue for me, I don’t like runny whites on eggs they make me gag! Yes things are pretty tough I actually created a second post to cover that xoxo

    1. This was only half of them I might do another one tonight. My brain isn’t working still but I have this horrid cough that just won’t go away so I will likely be up all night coughing. Might as well use the time productively!

  2. Thank you for sharing my creme egg recipe round up lovely! Sammie Lucy and Lauren are my go to blogs for recipe inspo too. Those girls are amazing with all their yummy creations. I love the cartel and Jess has such an incredible ibot community. Off to check out some of your other links. So much goodness! Xx

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