Potential trigger warning – mentions child sexual abuse.
Antanika from Adjust Remembered posted this picture a few days ago on her Facebook page with this comment “Life after abuse goes much like this…. Sometimes you can glue the bits back together but it’s never the same.”
A little bit of background. I recently discovered Antanika I am not sure how I came across her writing, what I know now is that she has become a staple in my daily reading! I have her blog followed so I don’t miss anything. Her Facebook page is marked as a favourite so I see her updates first and I have notifications set to on in the hope that I can I avoid missing anything with the Facebook algorithms.
Antanika is amazing! She is so strong and courageous. She is a survivor. Antanika was sexually abused by her step-father for many years. She kept this secret for even longer, like so many other survivors. Antanika pulls no punches, she has hidden her secret and tried to avoid it for far to long. She writes to give a voice to her story, she writes to give a voice to those who can’t, she writes to help herself heal if that is ever truly possibly.
Antanika does not want her past to define who she is, most definitely it is a part of who she is today but she is so much more than a survivor. She has tried to get justice for herself but this is not possible. She went to the police three times but they tell her there is nothing they can do about it. Which means her abuser still walks in the community. He has many supporters who refuse to believe that it is true.
“So I have to make peace with this. My abuser, the man responsible for my depression, anxiety, PTSD and horrible flashbacks gets to have a life, unpunished for the ways he couldn’t control himself around me.
I am a mother of 3 and a wife to a musician.
I am a lioness, a fairy queen, a survivor and a warrior.
I also do not like lollies or Gravy.”
I honestly cannot comprehend her childhood. I can understand her PTSD, depression and anxiety. I like Antanika do not want them to define who I am, sure they are a part of me but that are only a small part of who I am. My experiences that got me to where I am are so vastly different to Antanika’s. I had a very happy and carefree childhood, our lives are very different, I am in awe of her ability to survive in the face of adversity. I believe she is truly amazing.
I saw this image and thought of something I learnt of years and years ago. Kintsugi is a form of Wabi-Sabi – the Japanese world view centred around the acceptance that life is imperfect and impermanent. It is through the imperfections, impermanence, and incompleteness of life that we find beauty.
Is the art of restoring a damaged object/thing/person. It is predominantly used for things say broken bowls or pottery. The object is then put back together, highlighting the imperfections, breaks and repairs. The breaks and repairs are then seen as things of beauty.
I am the first to admit I do not have for one moment any understanding of the feelings and damage that is done through sexual assault or even more so child sexual assault. When I think of Antanika I just see beauty and all of the damage as something amazing. I see it as an beautiful strengthening process that has happened. I see the most incredible, exquisite yet so delicate new creation.
Antanika I am in awe. You are right when you say you can put something back together but it is never the same. In your case while I didn’t ever know you in the before, I am certain you have been put back together and you are better! You are truly a survivor but more than that you have thrived through your adversity and you are exquisite!
Linking up with Essentially Jess for #ibot
I just adored this Cathy. This: “The breaks and repairs are then seen as things of beauty.”
You are really beautiful and never forget that every time you feel a crack surfacing imagine that it is pure gold coursing through your veins and it is giving you strength and just making you more amazing xoxo
Don’t they mend the things with gold to show how beautiful the damaged area can be? A lovely metaphor.
They sure do. That is what I thought too thank you xoxo
What a powerful post. I love the images of being put back to gather but with flaws that can never be fixed. Love it #teamIBOT
Thank you Natalie. I hope that everyone who is damaged in some way can see their flaws as something of beauty. I think the truth is that we only see the cracks and flaws in ourselves and not the beauty. xoxo
This is a beautiful post. I relate to it in many ways because I also suffered abuse as a child – not sexual though. We now believe my mother was a sociopath 🙁 . Also, for another example of kintsugi check out a post I did a couple of weeks ago: http://www.middleagedmama.com.au/jewellery-with-a-story-nozomi-project/
Thank you Janet may you know that every one of your flaws have been glued back together with gold and you are created beautifully new xoxo
Not sure if my previous comment worked … just wanted to say I really related to this post. I also suffered abuse as a child (not sexual though). We now believe my mother was a sociopath. Also, on the topic of kintsugi, I shared about the Nozomi Project on my blog a couple of weeks ago – jewellery created from broken pottery debris from the Japan tsunami 5 years ago, which you may be interested in reading.
It did Janet I think they are just moderated for a couple of posts …
What a kind and thoughtful post, Cathy. I’m sure it left a deep impression on our bloggy friend.
Yes she has been in touch (I didn’t post without her permission!) and was very touched.
Wow, she sounds like an amazing and strong woman, will have to head over to her blog for a read.
She is all of that and more!
I had never heard of this, but what a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing about Antanika. I’m keen to check out her blog now. She sounds like an amazing woman.
She is pretty awesome!
Wow, these pieces are beautiful and the message so powerful.
Thanks Karin
This is such a beautiful post. It’s definitely true that certain things in life change you completely, but there can still be beauty in that brokenness.
So true Robyna and we are all damaged or broken in our own ways. Sending you lots of hugs xoxo