I am pretty late coming to the dry shampoo party. To me dry shampoo has always scared me a little but it seems it is not really all that scary.
When I bought this today all I could think of was the ’80s and my early teen years reading novels like Forever by Judy Blume and many of the Sweet Dreams Romance books. All the protagonists in the novels always sprayed a bit of dry shampoo through their hair before heading out on last minute dates that they weren’t expecting. I guess I also associate dry shampoo with America and summer camps because they also seem to be on those a lot!
Turns out dry shampoo* is a pretty amazing thing! I bought this one today. Turns out you can buy dry shampoo in all sorts of amazing scents I chose tropical because it smells like being on a tropical island! There were there flavours some that I just can’t quite imagine putting in my hair like cherry but mostly they sounded great. The store where I was didn’t have any of the coloured range but you can get dry shampoo in a few base tones as well and even strengthening and volume varieties. It would seem that dry shampoo is very much the thing now and it certainly meant that I didn’t need to wash my hair today and it still looks great and smells super awesome!
Here comes the big confession dry shampoo is not the only thing I am late coming to the party with. Here are a few other things about me that may change your opinion:
- I have never ever watched an episode of Game of Thrones not even the credits. I haven’t read the books and I absolutely don’t understand the hype.
- I have never ever watched an episode of Orange is the New Black – can’t really imagine I will and I am not really sure why. I think it is just that prison shows aren’t my thing I didn’t watch Prison Break either, not even for the perve.
- I haven’t seen 50 shades of grey nor read any of the books!
- I have heard a lot about Outlander and yes the guy is a bit of something something to look at but yeah, again haven’t read the books or seen the show.
- I haven’t managed to jump onboard any of the healthy eating or exercising trends EVER …
- Blogging! I have had my blog set up since 2007 and between then and 2014 I wrote 14 blogs. Between May 2015 and now I have written 88! Ok not setting the world on fire but certainly writing more.
- Writing generally I have always wanted to do it but never seem to translate the want into doing.
- Social Media – Facebook I get, Twitter I think I am getting better with but it moves sooo quickly I miss lots, Pinterest seriously it’s a thing I thought it was just somewhere to put pretty pictures, Instagram I just forget or am too lazy to put filters on pictures and Snapchat that one I do not get at all. I thought Snapchat was what all the cool kids were using to sending sexy pics to each other and they disappear. Turns out that a whole raft of super gorgeous middle aged women are using it all the time too for completely different reasons. Facebook live I guess it helps if you know there are any people out there to talk to and I have a hard enough time Facetiming with hubby and he is talking back to me so I can’t imagine talking to myself in a video about nothing and no-one talking back to me.
There are probably lots and lots of other things I am really late at catching onto the trend with but I think I am ok with that.
What are some trends that you have been late to jump onto?
I cannot live without dry shampoo. I have never watched Game of Thrones but it is on my list and I spent two weeks watching Orange is The New Black, so much that I started imitating the craziest one. My kids were scared of me and no wonder. I do not understand twitter but for some reason my followers are growing. I still have an embarrassingly long way to go before I have a number which is worth talking about. Apparently we, as bloggers are supposed to be on Snap chat. Not sure how I would fit into that but I will give it a go one day.
I dont think I can live without it now either I can see me being a bit of a dry shampoo junkee lol. I like twitter but not the nastiness and well I am just scared of snapchat mainly because it means talking to the screen and you can all see my face lol … Can’t I just take a picture? I can’t even cope with the thought of setting it up … Maybe I will get the 15yr old to do it for me …
Oohhh didn’t realise you had to talk on snapchat. That is NOT for me.
Well I am pretty sure that’s how the cool kids are using it but I could be completely wrong! As I say it scares me perhaps I need to read up on some user guides from other bloggers I think Robyna from Mummy & Minx did one …