This morning we got up and it wasn’t raining!* After a week of rain this was really something to be celebrated. Though I m not sure why I was surprised that it was raining there is something about me heading to Jervis Bay that brings the rain. We have been coming down here for nearly 20yrs now since Mum & Dad bought the house around the corner in Vincentia and at a very rough anecdotal guess it rains at least 70% of the time that I visit. Honestly, it doesn’t seem to matter what season it is if I am there it rains!
Today the sun came out so we took the opportunity to get outside. Right now is the beginning of the whale migration season with the whales heading north for the warmer waters to have babies. Jervis Bay itself is a sanctuary for the whales on both legs of the journey and they sometimes have babies in the bay itself. They can often be seen inside the heads just playing around and relaxing because they know it is a safe place to rest and they bring the baby whales in as well so they know it is a safe haven on their long journey.
Whale watching has becoming a booming industry out of Huskisson on the boats, we did that with friends a few years ago. While we got to see the beautiful whales the experience of the boat is not one that I am in any hurry to re-live! My big boy tells me that I held on so tight that he lost feeling in his hand and one of the girls loves to regale with stories of how she got seasick!
We headed out to Booderee National Park* to one of the viewing platforms on the coast to see if there were any whales moving up the coast today. We headed out to Cape St George Lighthouse , it is on the same road as Steamers Beach but not as far out and the walk to the viewing platform not as long for Mum and her new knees. I got to go 4wding as well as bush walking, (ok so it wasn’t really but it was a graded road with water and big holes that you needed to slow down to drive through.) I am such an outdoors gal! When we got to the parking area it was obvious that everyone else had a similar idea of getting outside while the sun was out.
Along the very short and easy walk out to the headland are little signs giving the history of the lighthouse and what the remains of the buildings once would have been. One of our girls was horrified to learn of the way the toilets worked in the mid 1800’s (via a pipe out to sea!)
Once out at the lighthouse area itself we were treated to an amazing show of the migrating whales and they were close enough into the coastline that it was clear with the naked eye where the whales were frollicking. We think we saw between 5-6 whales.
We didn’t have the great zoom camera with us but these photos aren’t too bad from the iphone and Mum’s Samsung Galaxy camera. All in all it was a lovely morning out in the sunshine enjoying some of the most beautiful coastline in the world with an amazing natural show of the whale migration. Sometimes we just need to get outside and appreciate the awe and wonder that is our natural environment.
* I wrote this on Sunday night but for some reason found it in my drafts today!
* Booderee National Park is a park operated by the local Indigenous community. There are fees to enter the park. There is so much to see and do in the Booderee National Park with many opportunities to experience and understand Australia’s rich Indigenous Cultural History.
Kit xoxo
Linking with Essentially Jess for #ibot and Leanne for #lovinlifelinky
What a beautiful part of the world!!! We stayed at Manyana a couple of years ago and couldn’t get over how lovely it was! And Huskisson was definitely a fave place for lunch!
It is truly beautiful and we get to go there anytime we want to stay with my parents which makes it even lovelier. xoxo
I’ve only been to Huskisson once, but it’s such a pretty part of the world! That’s so cool that you got to see whales and from dry land too, win, win! Happy holidays xx
It sounds like a lovely part of Australia. I’d love to go whale watching and especially to see a whale actually breech.
I’d love to visit the South Coast to go whale watching. I’d love to see a whale breeching!
It is so beautiful the entire South Coast. Watching whales I think is truly one of nature’s greatest gifts to us.
I stayed in Huskisson about 13 years ago now and it rained pretty much the entire time we were there! But we still got out and about and enjoyed the views. A lovely part of the world.
Kirsty can I say that it rarely rains when my brother visits mum and dad and usually they have great weather! Let me know if you are ever down this way again! xoxo
It sounds absolutely gorgeous. I’d love to take the girls to see the whales. I’m glad you had a lovely time x
Renee whale watching is one of nature’s greatest gifts to us there is nothing quite as spectacular. Well you know an African safari might be but this works for me!
It sounds like an absolutely beautiful part of the world. I’d love to take the girls to see whales some time. I’m glad you had a great getaway xx
How awesome to see whales like that! I’ve seen them on a whale watching tour once and it was amazing. My friend recently was out fishing on a small boat with her partner and two whales came right up to their boat and stayed there for about half an hour. She took video of it, it was unreal. #teamIBOT
Wow how amazing! I do believe that whales are the most beautiful creatures. My aunt & sil would be so jealous they adore whales!
How amazing!! Gotta love a good whale adventure. I’ve never been on one. I’ve seen them from a distance but gee I’d love to get up closer, just to absorb their beautiful spirit and calm energy. Thanks for joining last week’s Lovin’ Life Linky! Hope to see you again tomorrow.