My psychiatrist keeps asking me the same questions each week, “Who am I?” and “What do I need?” Every week I answer with the same answer of “I don’t know.” I also say “What if I don’t like me?” She assures me that this won’t be the case, it just might be that I need…
Yesterday I had the most amazing experience. The background to this opportunity was that I saw on Lucy Perry’s CEO page that she had the opportunity to give away a ticket and plus one to the Team Women Australia Unleashed event. I am a point in my recovery where I am still doing some really…
Making: Crocheting fingerless gloves for a lovely friend Cooking: Not much at the moment not allowed to, on complete rest for six weeks, but I am enjoying reading lots of recipe books to plan all the things I can cook when I am allowed to! Drinking: Tea, tea and more tea Reading: The Fifth Letter…